

The Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik (DAGStat) sees statistics as a key area in society and science. Statisticians are of importance whenever data is collected or experiments are planned or conducted. The wide range of applications and the versatility of the statistical sciences require cooperation and a productive academic exchange.
This is one of the DADStat's tasks and purposes.

At the same time, the DAGStat represents statisticians and applied scientists working in the field of statistics in society and politics.

The DAGStat bundles the different directions of statistical discipline, preventing developments from being disintegrated and expertise from being used insufficiently.

The DAGStat was founded in 2005. Its declared purpose is to bring together scientists working on statistical methods and to offer them an open and productive platform. Last but not least, the DAGStat strives to increase public awareness about statistics because sensible handling of data and data analysis belongs, according to the DAGStat, to the fundamental cultural skills of a citizen in today's information society, comparable with reading, writing and arithmetics.

Articles of Association

Articles of Association can be viewed here. (available only in German)